Buckle up, folks! We’re about to take a side-splitting journey through the wacky world of funniest Donald Trump quotes. Love him or loathe him, you can’t deny that the man has a knack for delivering lines that are as outrageous as they are entertaining.

From “covfefe” to “bigly,” Trump has gifted us with linguistic gems that have left us scratching our heads and clutching our sides in laughter. Whether you’re a die-hard supporter or a fervent critic, there’s no denying the comedic goldmine that is the former president’s verbal repertoire.

So grab your popcorn and get ready to LOL your way through some of the most hilarious and head-scratching quotes from the one and only Donald J. Trump. Who knows, you might just find yourself chuckling at his unique brand of humor – intentional or not!

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Top 20 Funniest Donald Trump Quotes

Ah, buckle up for a rollercoaster ride of humor with the top 20 funniest Donald Trump quotes that broke the internet and made us chuckle! From “covfefe” to “bigly,” the man knows how to keep us entertained with his unique brand of humor.

Whether you love him or hate him, one thing is for sure – Donald Trump knows how to deliver a punchline! His droll presidential speeches have left people both amused and bewildered, showcasing his unique ability to blend comedy with politics.

  1. “I have a great relationship with the blacks.”
    Trump made this statement during an interview in 2011. Critics argued that the phrasing was patronizing and reductionist, highlighting his approach to discussing race relations.
  2. “If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?
    Trump made this comment during an interview in 2008, reflecting his tendency to use personal attacks against political opponents. In this case, he attempted to discredit Hillary Clinton’s ability to lead the country by questioning her marital relationship. The remark was widely criticized as sexist and irrelevant to political discourse.
  3. “The beauty of me is that I’m very rich.”
    Trump mentioned this during various interviews and speeches, often emphasizing his wealth as a sign of his success and capability.
  4. “North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!”
  5. “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”
    This was part of Trump’s announcement speech when he declared his candidacy for president in 2015. It ignited a firestorm of controversy, with many accusing him of promoting negative stereotypes about immigrants from Mexico.
  6. “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.” “I have tremendous respect for women.”
    Trump made this remark at a campaign rally in Iowa during the 2016 presidential campaign. It was seen as a shocking statement about the loyalty of his supporters.
  7. “I know words, I have the best words.”
    Trump said this during a campaign event in 2015, defending his communication style. Critics often pointed to instances where he used unconventional language or made factual errors.
  8. “I will build a great wall – and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me – and I’ll build them very inexpensively.”
    This was a recurring promise throughout Trump’s presidential campaign, referring to his plan to build a border wall between the United States and Mexico.
  9. “Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest – and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure, it’s not your fault.”
    Trump tweeted this in 2013, responding to critics who questioned his intelligence. It’s an example of his brash and self-assured communication style.
  10. “I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.”
    Trump made this comment during a campaign event in 2016, highlighting his confidence in his own judgment and decision-making abilities.
  11. “You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.” Trump said this during an interview in 1998, expressing his belief that public perception of him is more important than media coverage.
  12. “The point is, you can never be too greedy.”
    This was from Trump’s book “The Art of the Deal,” where he discussed his business philosophy. Critics often point to this quote to portray him as a symbol of unchecked capitalism.
  13. “I think the only difference between me and the other candidates is that I’m more honest and my women are more beautiful.”
    Trump made this comment during a campaign event in 2015, highlighting what he saw as his unique qualities compared to other political candidates.
  14. “All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me…”
    Trump mentioned this during an interview in 2004, referring to his television show “The Apprentice” and suggesting that female contestants were attracted to him.
  15. “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.”
    Trump tweeted this in 2012, suggesting that climate change is a hoax invented by China to undermine American manufacturing.
  16. “Our country is in serious trouble. We don’t have victories anymore.”
    Trump said this during his announcement speech for the 2016 presidential campaign, emphasizing his belief that the United States was in decline.
  17. “I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke.”
    Trump mentioned this during an interview in 2012, expressing skepticism about the health benefits of diet beverages.
  18. “Our country is in serious trouble. We don’t have victories anymore.”
    Trump made this comment during an interview in 2016, ironically claiming to possess humility
  19. “My Twitter has become so powerful that I can actually make my enemies tell the truth.”
    Trump tweeted this in 2017, asserting his belief in the influence of his social media presence in shaping public opinion and confronting his critics.


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More of The Funniest Donald Trump Quotes

  1. “I’m not a schmuck. Even if the world goes to hell in a handbasket, I won’t lose a penny.”
    Trump said this during an interview in 1990, expressing confidence in his business acumen.
  2. “You’re not going to raise that f***ing price, you understand me?”
    This quote is from Trump’s book “Trump: The Art of the Deal,” illustrating his aggressive negotiation style.
  3. “I love China. I just sold an apartment for $15 million to somebody from China. Am I supposed to dislike them?”
    Trump mentioned this during a campaign event in 2015, highlighting his business dealings with China.
  4. “I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me.”
    Trump made this claim during a campaign rally in 2016, asserting his expertise on national security issues.
  5. “An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud.”
    Trump tweeted this in 2012, perpetuating the debunked conspiracy theory that President Obama was not born in the United States.
  6. “I have a great relationship with the Mexican people. I love them, they love me!”
    Trump mentioned this during a campaign event in 2015, asserting his supposed popularity among Mexican citizens.
  7. “I’m the least racist person you’ll ever meet.”
    Trump made this statement during a press conference in 2019, defending himself against accusations of racism.
  8. “I’m really rich. I’ll show you that in a second.”
    Trump said this during his announcement speech for the 2016 presidential campaign, highlighting his wealth as a qualification for office.
  9. “I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me.”
    Trump mentioned this during an interview in 2016, discussing his approach to business and finance.
  10. “I’m very highly educated. I know words, I have the best words. But there’s no better word than stupid.”
    Trump made this comment during a campaign rally in 2016, boasting about his intelligence and communication skills.
  11. “Our great African American President hasn’t exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore.”
    Trump tweeted this in 2015, criticizing President Obama’s leadership in response to civil unrest in Baltimore.
  12. “I will be so good at the military, your head will spin.”
    Trump said this during a campaign rally in 2016, asserting his confidence in his ability to lead the military effectively if elected as President.
  13. “I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.”
    Trump made this promise during his campaign for the 2016 presidential election, pledging to prioritize job creation if elected.
  14. “The only card [Hillary Clinton] has is the woman’s card. She’s got nothing else to offer and frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she’d get 5 percent of the vote.”
    Trump said this during a campaign rally in 2016, criticizing his opponent Hillary Clinton and her appeal to female voters.
  15. “I have tremendous respect for women.”
    Trump made this statement during a presidential debate in 2015, defending himself against accusations of misogyny.
  16. “@arianahuff is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man – he made a good decision.”
    Trump made this statement during a presidential debate in 2015, defending himself against accusations of misogyny.Trump tweeted this statement in 2012, targeting Arianna Huffington, the co-founder of The Huffington Post. The tweet is a personal attack on Huffington’s appearance and personal life, referencing her divorce and implying that her ex-husband’s decision to leave her for a man was justified. This tweet drew widespread criticism for its derogatory and homophobic nature.
  17. “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.”
    Trump tweeted this cryptic message in 2017, which appeared to be a typo or incomplete thought. The tweet generated widespread     speculation and humor online, with “covfefe” becoming a meme.
  18. “I think apologizing’s a great thing, but you have to be wrong. I will absolutely apologize, sometime in the hopefully distant future, if I’m ever wrong.”
  19. “Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me ‘old,’ when I would NEVER call him ‘short and fat?’ Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend – and maybe someday that will happen!”
  20. “I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.”
    Trump made this pledge during his announcement speech for the 2016 presidential campaign, outlining his plan to address immigration issues by building a border wall and insisting that Mexico would bear the cost.

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Donald Trump Quotes That Broke the Internet and Made Us Chuckle

  1. “The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”
    Trump said this in a 1991 interview with Playboy magazine, expressing a preference for Jewish accountants based on stereotypes about their financial acumen.
  2. “I never attacked him on his looks, and believe me, there’s plenty of subject matter right there.””I have tremendous respect for women.”
    Trump said this during a Republican primary debate in 2016, responding to criticism about his past comments regarding the appearance of fellow candidate Rand Paul. In this remark, Trump denied attacking Paul’s looks while suggesting that he could have done so. It exemplifies Trump’s combative style and willingness to engage in personal attacks during political debates.
  3. “It’s freezing and snowing in New York – we need global warming!”
    Trump tweeted this in 2015, using sarcasm to mock the concept of climate change during a cold weather spell.
  4. “I’ve been treated very unfairly by this judge. Now, this judge is of Mexican heritage. I’m building a wall, OK? I’m building a wall.”
    Trump made this statement during a campaign rally in 2016, criticizing a federal judge who was overseeing a lawsuit against Trump University. Trump suggested that the judge’s Mexican heritage biased him against Trump due to Trump’s immigration policies.
  5. “Look at those hands, are they small hands? And, he referred to my hands—if they’re small, something else must be small. I guarantee you there’s no problem. I guarantee.”
    Trump said this during a Republican primary debate in 2016, responding to a comment made by rival candidate Marco Rubio about Trump’s hands. Trump’s remark was widely seen as an attempt to defend his masculinity.
  6. “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the p***y. You can do anything.”
    Trump made this lewd comment during a 2005 conversation with Billy Bush, which surfaced during the 2016 presidential campaign. It sparked widespread condemnation and accusations of sexual misconduct.
  7. “The fake news media is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!”
    Trump tweeted this in 2017, attacking the credibility of mainstream media outlets.
  8. “As a kid, I was making a building with blocks in our playroom. I didn’t have enough. So I asked my younger brother Robert if I could borrow some of his. He said, ‘Okay, but you have to give them back when you’re done.’ I used all of my blocks, then all of his blocks, and when I was done I had a great building, which I then glued together. Robert never did get those blocks back.”
  9. “I think I’m a nice person. People that know me, like me.”
    Trump said this during a campaign event in 2015, defending himself against criticism of his personality.
  10. “The beauty of me is that I’m very rich.”
    This quote was previously mentioned and originated from Trump’s various interviews and speeches, emphasizing his wealth.
  11. “I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”
    Trump made this comment during an interview in 2006, sparking controversy with its suggestive nature.
  12. “I was down there, and I watched our police and our firemen, down on 7-Eleven, down at the World Trade Center, right after it came down.”
    Trump said this during a campaign event in 2016, describing his experience at Ground Zero after the September 11 attacks.
  13. “The point is, you can never be too greedy.”
    This quote was previously mentioned and is from Trump’s book “The Art of the Deal,” illustrating his attitude towards wealth accumulation.
  14. “We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated.”
    Trump said this during a victory speech after winning the Nevada caucus in 2016, expressing gratitude to his supporters.
  15. “I’m not a politician, thank goodness.”
    Trump made this statement during a campaign event in 2015, positioning himself as an outsider to traditional politics.

Conclusion: Love Him or Hate Him – You Can’t Deny that Donald Trump Knows How to Deliver a Punchline!

In a world where politicians are often seen as serious and stoic figures, Trump brought a refreshing twist by injecting humor and satire into his public appearances. Love him or loathe him, you can’t deny that he knows how to grab attention and keep the audience engaged with his comedic flair.

While some may cringe at his style and others may find it downright hilarious, there’s no denying the impact of laughter in politics. Satire has long been used as a tool to critique those in power, and Trump’s approach certainly didn’t shy away from poking fun at himself and others.

So, whether you find yourself laughing with him or laughing at him, one thing is certain – Donald Trump has proven that humor can be a powerful weapon in the political arena. Love him or hate him, you can’t deny that he knows how to deliver a punchline!

At Quotes Dome, we curate the best of quotes for everyone to consume. We hope you enjoyed reading our list of the funniest Donald Trump quotes. If yes, then you will definitely love our inspirational Joshua Graham quotes.

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The 75 most ridiculous Trump quotes: the best Donald Trump quotes revealed

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Last Update: March 28, 2024